1. The following penalties may be imposed by a court of law on a driver convicted of committing a traffic offence:

2. Who is obliged to obey the “stop” sign in the following picture?

תמונה עבור שאלה 449

3. Under which circumstances should you slow down your driving?

4. What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

תמונה עבור שאלה 593

5. The silver vehicle (1) exits from parking while driving in reverse. What would be your reaction?

תמונה עבור שאלה 635

6. What is instructed by the following road sign?

תמונה עבור שאלה 986

7. Is it permitted to drive an un-roadworthy vehicle?

8. What are you required to do according to the following road sign?

תמונה עבור שאלה 919

9. What is the consequence of tyre pressure that is too high?

10. In a vehicle with a manual (regular) gearbox, it is important to adjust the gears:

11. Which of the following signs means: Barrier before a level crossing?

תמונה עבור שאלה 259

12. What is a vehicle GPS navigation system?

13. According to the following road signs, what are we expected to come across following the next left turn?

תמונה עבור שאלה 308

14. What is the function of the ABS system?

15. Under what condition is it permissible to install additional lamps to those already installed in a vehicle?

16. What is required from a driver that approaches the road signs appearing in the following picture?

תמונה עבור שאלה 927

17. On which part of a road should a cyclist ride?

18. The following picture contains several road elements. How should a driver respond when approaching these elements?

תמונה עבור שאלה 403

19. What is the meaning of the signs?

תמונה עבור שאלה 687

20. A vehicle driver must slow down when he:

21. Until where do the following road signs remain valid?

תמונה עבור שאלה 6

22. For what reason are weights installed on the tractor’s front?

23. A warning triangle must be carried by:

24. A driver exiting a gas station must give right of way:

25. What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

תמונה עבור שאלה 522

26. Which sign denotes a lane for Cyclists only. Cycle in the direction of the arrow?

תמונה עבור שאלה 930

27. When a vehicle stops before a level crossing:

28. How can you be safe while driving on a congested road?

תמונה עבור שאלה 321

29. Upon completion of the two year “new driver” period, a regular driver’s license will not be given to a “new driver” who was convicted of:

תמונה עבור שאלה 525

30. What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

תמונה עבור שאלה 288

ניווט מהיר

השאלה הקודמת השאלה הבאה

זמן לסיום: 40:00

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