1. Under which conditions is it permitted to carry a passenger, besides the driver, on an ATV (quad bike)?

2. What is the meaning of the following road marking?

תמונה עבור שאלה 909

3. How would you conduct yourself according to the picture?

תמונה עבור שאלה 820

4. Define “built dividing area”:

5. Define “to dip the lights”:

6. How would you conduct yourself when approaching the intersection that is depicted in the following picture?

תמונה עבור שאלה 908

7. Are cyclists permitted to enter a road, when the following traffic sign is placed at the entrance to the road?

תמונה עבור שאלה 942

8. How should those involved in a road accident, which resulted in property damage only, conduct themselves?

9. Is it obligatory to wear a helmet while driving an ATV?

10. While driving on a road with two lanes in your direction of driving:

11. What is the meaning of the light appearing in the following traffic light (non-flashing yellow)?

תמונה עבור שאלה 238

12. What are you required to do when the following marking appears on the roadway?

תמונה עבור שאלה 513

13. According to the traffic signs appearing in the picture, the road that turns to the left is:

תמונה עבור שאלה 709

14. Where inside a vehicle should the reflective traffic vest be placed?

15. What is the meaning of the following symbol?

תמונה עבור שאלה 299

16. The following road sign remains valid until:

תמונה עבור שאלה 493

17. For what reason are weights installed on the tractor’s front?

18. What is the difference between the two signs?

תמונה עבור שאלה 247

19. When a driver is approaching a high point or a place in which his field of vision is obstructed, he should:

20. What is a reasonable speed on a freeway(Motorway)?

21. Is it permitted to stop any type of vehicle where the following signpost is placed?

תמונה עבור שאלה 429

22. How are you required to conduct yourself according to the situation depicted in the following picture?

תמונה עבור שאלה 342

23. When parking a vehicle, is it necessary to operate the parking brake (handbrake)?

24. When traffic sign 401 is placed at an entry to a road, which traffic sign should be placed at the entry from the opposite side of the same road?

תמונה עבור שאלה 1009

25. In your opinion, is the white vehicle within the curve positioned correctly?

תמונה עבור שאלה 453

26. What is the meaning of this traffic sign?

תמונה עבור שאלה 846

27. What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

תמונה עבור שאלה 350

28. What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

תמונה עבור שאלה 536

29. It is prohibited to make a U-turn:

30. Where would you stop according to the following picture:

תמונה עבור שאלה 641

ניווט מהיר

השאלה הקודמת השאלה הבאה

זמן לסיום: 40:00

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