1. What shoukd a driver check after driving through deep water on the road?

2. When is there a danger of vehicle skidding?

3. In a hybrid vehicle:

4. What is the imminent danger when a vehicle skids whilst driving?

5. How would you (vehicle no. 3) conduct yourself in the following turn?

תמונה עבור שאלה 919

6. What is the most important principle when turning right in an intersection?

7. What does the Carrier Service Law determine?

8. When the following road sign is placed:

תמונה עבור שאלה 51

9. What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

תמונה עבור שאלה 764

10. Driving downhill in neutral gear:

11. A driver wishing to park his vehicle downhill shall:

12. The silver vehicle (1) exits from parking while driving in reverse. What would be your reaction?

תמונה עבור שאלה 739

13. In case of a driver incurring 36 demerit points or more:

14. What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

תמונה עבור שאלה 678

15. Which of the following commercial vehicles must be equipped with a speed “Governor”?

16. What is a “security vehicle”?

17. What is required by the following road sign?

תמונה עבור שאלה 346

18. Until where does the following road sign remain valid?

תמונה עבור שאלה 978

19. If traffic sign 618 is placed at an entry to a road, which traffic sign should be placed at the entry from the opposite side of the same road?

תמונה עבור שאלה 948

20. When may a police officer revoke a driver’s license for a period of ninety days?

21. Are we permitted to ride or drive a vehicle when part of our body is sticking out of the vehicle?

22. What is the maximum permitted speed for driving a private passenger vehicle on a freeway(motorway) (unless otherwise indicted)

תמונה עבור שאלה 1245

23. What is the correct order of actions while reducing the vehicle’s speed?

24. Does a-can of beer have a lesser effect on a driver compared to a whisky shot?

25. What are the risks of driving in high speeds?

26. After which of the following road signs is it prohibited to overtake (for a distance of about 100 meters)?

תמונה עבור שאלה 285

27. What is the maximum allowed speed in a “play street”?

תמונה עבור שאלה 595

28. A traffic sign forbidding vehicles to drive faster than 70 k.p.h is placed on an urban road. Which of the following vehicles is forbidden to drive according to the sign’s speed indication?

29. The depth of the grooves in a tire (pneumatic-air pressure) which comes in contact with the road should not be less than:

תמונה עבור שאלה 1225

30. How is a pedestrian crossing marked?

תמונה עבור שאלה 325

ניווט מהיר

השאלה הקודמת השאלה הבאה

זמן לסיום: 40:00

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