1. What are we required to check and verify before starting-up the vehicle’s engine?

2. You are driving vehicle no. 2. What should you do in the following situation?

תמונה עבור שאלה 266

3. For what reason might the indicator warning light on the dashboard flash too quickly?

4. What should a driver do when he detects a safety failure in the steering wheel or brakes while driving?

5. When are private passenger cars permitted to turn right from a lane other than the right lane?

6. How should you continue driving according to the following marking?

תמונה עבור שאלה 96

7. Is a driver permitted to send an S.M.S message from his phone while driving?

8. What is the correct sentence?

9. Which of the following traffic signs requires drivers to stop and give right-of-way to other approaching vehicles from either direction?

תמונה עבור שאלה 352

10. Which warning sign alerts about two-way traffic ahead?

תמונה עבור שאלה 146

11. What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

תמונה עבור שאלה 625

12. How would you handle the following situation?

תמונה עבור שאלה 235

13. the holder 0f a "B" driving license is entitled to drive

14. What are you required to do according to the following road sign?

תמונה עבור שאלה 807

15. What is the meaning of the following road marking?

תמונה עבור שאלה 1116

16. What is the first stage in getting back on the road from the “hard shoulder”?

17. What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

תמונה עבור שאלה 1055

18. When a traffic light in a junction displays a flashing green light:

19. The correctional measures which may be imposed by the Licensing Authority, based on the point system:

20. Before starting to drive, what action needs to be taken by the driver before moving the automatic transmission selector?

21. A round shaped traffic-sign is:

22. How can a driver handle the many tasks he needs to perform when approaching an intersection?

תמונה עבור שאלה 518

23. How should one change lanes?

24. Does a-can of beer have a lesser effect on a driver compared to a whisky shot?

25. Which traffic sign that is placed before an intersection requires drivers to give right-of-way?

תמונה עבור שאלה 148

26. According to the law, in what order should vehicles enter the following intersection?

תמונה עבור שאלה 931

27. What are you required to do according to the following road sign?

תמונה עבור שאלה 573

28. What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

תמונה עבור שאלה 529

29. What are you required to do after changing a wheel?

30. Who is responsible for a vehicle parked in a prohibited area?

ניווט מהיר

השאלה הקודמת השאלה הבאה

זמן לסיום: 40:00

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