1. While braking and slowing down, what force of nature is applied on the vehicle?

2. ”When you drink alcohol, it will take you more time to recover from dazzling(blinding)”. Correct or incorrect?

3. On a single lane two-way road, when the lanes are divided by an unbroken separation line:

4. Is it obligatory to obey the directions and signals of a military policeman, even when a certain direction or signal is opposed to the traffic signs?

5. What are the provisions for driving in a straight line, without swerving?

6. What impossible situation is depicted in the following picture?

תמונה עבור שאלה 1043

7. What might be the effect of sand scattered on the road?

8. How would you avoid hitting the pedestrian in the picture?

תמונה עבור שאלה 243

9. What is the correct way to adjust the motorcycle’s mirrors?

10. The manufacure date of a vehicle’s tire is:

11. What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

תמונה עבור שאלה 527

12. Why is it required to drive in low gear on a steep descent?

13. What is the meaning of thr following Road sign.

תמונה עבור שאלה 502

14. Which of the following sentences is correct as regards to other drivers?

15. How is a driver required to drive near a group of children?

16. How should you conduct yourself at an exit from a premises or from an access road to a house, when you are about to enter or cross the road?

17. What is the meaning of the following road marking?

תמונה עבור שאלה 959

18. Is it permitted to repair a vehicle on the road?

19. What is the correct sentence?

20. Which traffic sign that is placed before an intersection requires drivers to give right-of-way?

תמונה עבור שאלה 137

21. What is a “path”?

22. To disconnect the engine from the wheels, you should:

23. Which of the following traffic signs instructs to pass a given place from its left side only?

תמונה עבור שאלה 1078

24. The one of the functions of the grooves in the tyre tread

תמונה עבור שאלה 624

25. In case of a driver incurring 36 demerit points or more:

26. ?What road sign would be placed following sign 135 in the picture>

תמונה עבור שאלה 1046

27. Which of the roads in the following illustration is a one-way road?

תמונה עבור שאלה 267

28. What is the difference between the following signs?

תמונה עבור שאלה 1044

29. What is the order of actions the driver needs to take before slowing down?

30. What are you required to do when the truck in the picture enters your driving lane?

תמונה עבור שאלה 1104

ניווט מהיר

השאלה הקודמת השאלה הבאה

זמן לסיום: 40:00

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